Suffering From a Little List? ... Or Worst Yet... No List?...

"Ordinary Guy Reveals The Shockingly Simple Paint-By-Numbers Blueprint
He Used To
Go From Zero Subscribers
& Zero Cash to A Starving Crowd
of Over 25,000
Without Spending
a Single Dime On Traffic

"For The First Time... I'll Reveal One Of My Niche Lists... Which Grew to Over 4000 in 30 Days...
and Now Bulges Over 25,000

Plain & Simple... All You Have To Do Is Rinse and
Repeat ... 100% Guaranteed"


From the Desk of: Alain Le clere

Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,

We all hear how building a mailing list is one of the most important aspects of being successful online.

Time and time again, day after day, we hear “The Money Is In The List.”

And You Know What?
That Statement is 100% Correct

So, if everyone keeps going on about building mailing lists and people keep asking “how do I start to build a mailing list” there obviously must be insufficient information on the market detailing how people can start, then grow their mailing lists.

There is also the million dollar question - “How do I get traffic to my squeeze page” to start building my lists?”

Now, forgive me if I am wrong here, but...

This Must Also Mean There is Still A Huge Flaw in The Information That is Being Sold and Shared Already...

I got my first break through building a mailing list.

Using free traffic strategies I managed to drive massive traffic to my squeeze page and in my first week got over 1500 names onto my list. These were CONFIRMED subscribers may I add.

Before I even sent a message to these people, I had made a total of approximately $400. And by week 4 ... I managed to get over 3000 people confirmed and over $750 in PURE PROFIT.

As with everything I do and teach, there is work involved. If you still expect to grow your business by doing nothing then this report is not for you.

Let me stress, it is NOT hard.

Nothing In Internet Marketing is HARD.
So Please, Spare Me the “It's Too Hard” Speech
Because it Simply is Not True...

Everything can be broken down into manageable chunks and then pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle. ListBlueprint highlights the logic behind building huge mailing lists.

There Are The 3 Simple Steps to
Building Massive Mailing Lists:

1) Getting Traffic

2) Converting Traffic

3) Following Up


1) Before You Even Begin

  • The main mistakes almost everyone makes before they start building a list.

  • The exact steps you have to follow to find out if it will be worth your while getting people onto a list.

  • The market must have ______ , _______ and ______ in order for it to be worthwhile.

2) Traffic, Traffic, Traffic

  • F*R*E*E traffic generation techniques.

  • My top 5 strategies for driving massive amounts of traffic to my squeeze pages without spending a dime doing so.

3) Conversions, Conversions, Conversions

  • How to convert your traffic into subscribers.

  • Do _____ and watch your conversion rate jump
    by up to 70%

  • Include ______ and see confirmation rates skyrocket.

4) What To Do With Your Subscribers

  • Make sure you design ______ to instantly profit from subscribers

  • Follow up messages and how to ensure every message brings in $$$$

5) Your Personal Worksheet

  • A road map for you to follow and check off the
    steps as you go.

6) Niche Case Study

  • My 25,000 Niche Listed Revealed

  • Actual Squeeze Page Used

  • Actual Offer Page Used

7) Bonus Section

  • To Double Opt In Or Not?

  • Get Away From Your Computer!

  • Take Action

Imagine spending no money... while building massive mailing lists and profiting from them for as long as you can be bothered!

Imagine Watching Your Business Grow From Zero Subscribers and Zero Money to 1,000's of Subscribers
and Money Whenever You Want it?

Sound Like A Plan?


You Are Covered By My NO RISK,
100% Money Back Guarantee

If between now and and the next 90 days, you can honestly say this wasn't the most informative list building information you have ever seen, simply email me for a refund on the spot. You have nothing to lose.

It's Easy... Either it Works for
You or Your Money Back!

Again, all of the risk is on me. I allow you to try all of the information and if you don't like it, you get 100% of your money and the product and bonuses to keep.  No hard feelings.


Do you want to know what it will cost you to get access to the ListBlueprint?

I decided to price it at an incredibly low price:

Access The "ListBlueprint"
System And Start Building a
Massive, Profit Pulling List NOW...

For Just $97 $67 $27 $9.97

I am not out to take your money.

This information cannot have a monetary value placed upon it in my honest opinion.


Yes, for the price of a pizza dinner you will have all of the information you need to jump full force into building a massive, profit pulling list... without spending a dime on traffic.

I'm only charging $9.97 for this report, and not giving this report away,
for 3 reasons.

  1. $9.97 puts the report within reach of the vast majority of people. It's not too expensive for even the humblest beginning online entreprenuer.

  2. Anyone who's not serious enough about making money online to invest $9.97 into this report isn't going to take the time to use the methods laid out anyway.

So... The question is...

Would You Rather Have...



Make the choice... buy a pizza... eat it today... or get access to the "ListBlueprint" System and buy as many pizzas as your heart desires!

So if you're serious about your online business and want a killer, no-cost technique to get started, click the order button below.

YES! Give Me Immediate Access to the ListBlueprint Guide!

I'm Ready To Discover The Exact Methods You Used to Go From No Subscribers & No Cash to A Starving Crowd of Over 25,000!

If You Do Nothing... You Get Nothing... Simple As That... Get The Guide Now:

See You On The Other Side!

To your online success,

Alain Le clere